Saturday, October 10, 2009

Chicago ~ Day 2

Our second day in Chicago(10/6) was very different than the day before! It was rainy and cold. We were so glad we got to do the Segways yesterday! So today, we headed indoors to the Field Museum. Wow, what a great place! We had to practically run through it to see everything. ~ We found out that they actually filmed the movie "A Night at the Museum" at this museum and not the one in New York City like the film suggests.

We also had a really good time on the Sky Deck of the Sears Tower (now called the Willis Tower, but everyone still calls it the Sears Tower). We arrived right before the sunset and were able to see the view change from day to evening!

We really enjoyed our time in Chicago! We loved all the things we got to see and do, but there was so much more we wanted to do! Oh well, next visit!

Nicolas and Vasili in front of the Buckingham Fountain

It was cold and rainy our second day

This is "Sue". You might remember her
from the movie "Night at the Museum"

Nick and Vasili with their new "friend"
at the Field Museum!

The view from the Sky Deck from
the Sears Tower

103 floors ~ more than 1300 feet above
the city of Chicago

This is called "The Ledge"
I was fine if I didn't look down!

Nick is fearless!

There's nothing between you and the street
1300' below, except this glass floor!

The city lights of Chicago

Such a beautiful city!


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    This is Sudie writing on Camille's google account because I can't get on mine. I love CHICAGO!!! I have so many fond memories there and you have visited all my favorite spots (especially the FIELD MUSEUM). Did you go by the mummy portion of the museum? The Buckingham fountain usually has a hot dog vender. Boy do I love Chicago hot dogs and Giardelli's (Spelling?)Pizza! Thanks for the memories!

  2. We did see the mummy exhibit and enjoyed it! We didn't have a hot dog though ~ darn! We had a hot dog today in Toronto, Canada and it was great! (I guess they are known for their great hot dogs!) ~ I miss you! Thanks for checking in! love you!
