Thursday, October 15, 2009

Buffalo, NY ~ Niagara Falls

We have been at the Niagara Falls just outside of Buffalo, NY these past 3 days (10/11- 10/14). We have enjoyed the beauty of this amazing place! It's been pretty cold here, about 35-40 degrees! But we haven't had any rain and even had sunshine a couple of days.

We took the "Maid of the Mist" tour of the falls. However, they failed to tell you that getting a bit "wet" really meant getting buckets and buckets of water thrown upon you!!

Later on that first day we also found our way over to the Erie Canal about 1/2 hour away. This was such an amazing part of our history! These are the only original locks left out of over 300 miles of canal dug and cut out of rock to connect the Great Lakes to the Delaware River!

Our second day, we walked over to the Canadian side of the falls and from that vantage point you can really see them! We've enjoyed our time here! We took a side trip to Toronto, Canada yesterday and I'll post a blog about that later.

Today we head east toward Maine with a stop over near Albany, NY tonight. We've got to hurry before the snow they predict for Friday!! ~ yikes!

Welcome to New York! ~ It'll cost you $85
(cash, no credit/debit cards please)
to drive on our toll roads! ~ ouch!

This was real, not a fake back drop!

Nick striking a pose

Niagara beauty!

Can you see the pretty rainbow?

This is the view from the Canadian side

Horse Shoe Falls

Can you believe the power and majesty?

Another view of Horse Shoe Falls

Vasili and Nicolas standing on the US side of the Niagara Falls

Maid of the Mist boat tour of Niagara Falls

We got to keep these lovely blue ponchos!

Vasili, right before we head into the mist of the falls

We also went to the Erie Canal for a tour -
These are the original locks below

1 comment:

  1. Are you serious! $85! Wow thanks for the warning! The country side of New York certainly is pretty!All you evr see on TV is the city.
    I have always wanted to see Niagra Falls! Thanks for the preview.
    Miss you,
