Friday, October 30, 2009

Plymouth, Massachusetts

The day we drove from Maine to Boston was bitter cold and stormy. The snow was chasing us down the coast. When we got settled in our RV site we headed over to see Plymouth Rock which was just down the street from where we were. It was so stormy! It didn't seem that bad until we stepped out of the car! We only stayed a couple of minutes. It was impossible to walk or see anything in that weather! We got soaked! The wind was blowing sideways! Nicolas thought it was fun. Boy was it cold and miserable! We high-tailed it back to our campground and hunkered down for the night with the heater on high!

The next day dawned bright and beautiful. And you saw the pictures of that day on our previous post in Boston.

The following day was just as pretty so we headed back to Plymouth for a few hours before moving on to Connecticut that day. So, these are the pictures of both the stormy nor'eastern day and the sunny calm day.

There it is . . . Plymouth Rock!
(It has some seaweed around it.
The tide can come up to it and it was
very stormy right then.)

Do you see that capsized boat to the right?
There was a "Nor'easter" blowing!

Doesn't Vasili look like he's having fun?!

Nicolas had to hide beside the building or
he would've been blown away!
(Do you see the smile on his face!)

This is a replica of the Mayflower

Plymouth Rock is enshrined behind me where
those columns are.
It was a much nicer day than before!!

This is Massasoit, the Indian Chief
Indians gather to this spot each Thanksgiving for a day of remembering
called "The Day of Mourning" ~ I guess not everyone is
happy that the Pilgrims came to the New World and Thanksgiving
isn't a day of celebration for them.

We weren't quite sure what we were posing
in front of, maybe city hall? ~ Anyway, it
looked important!

This is a statue of William Bradford, the 1st Governor
of the Puritans/Pilgrims of Plymouth.

This was a pretty park in honor of the pilgrim wives.

This was one of the first homes in Plymouth.
There's a spinning wheel in the backround.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nick's Pick's

High five! (Chicago)

He can walk on water! (Chicago)

Scott & I (Purdue - Indiana)

Zoom, zoom, zoommmm! (Indy 500 - Indiana)

What . . . .?! (Chicago)

I hate traffic! (Sears Tower - Chicago)

I almost stepped on this snake! (Ohio)

Sue!!!! From Night at the Museum (Chicago)

Sitting on top of the world (Chicago)

Niagara Falls (Buffalo, NY)

Purdy colors!
(Niagara Falls - Canadian side)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Boston, Massachusetts

We have been out of wifi range for a week, so we are having to catch up a bit! ~ After Maine, we traveled south to Boston and actually stayed in an RV park at Plymouth, MA. We left Portland, Maine with rainy skies and bitter cold temperatures!! We were just ahead of the snow by a couple of hours! If any of you watched the Patriots game that day, you saw all the snow they were playing in! ~ we were just minutes away. It was nasty, cold and extremely windy! However, the next day dawned bright and beautiful as we headed into the city of Boston! We joined a guided tour along the "Freedom Trail" and had a great time seeing Boston and learning lots!

Bottom line, we loved Boston! It's a very beautiful city with cool buildings and so much history!

Nick is stepping foward

This is Paul Revere's grave in the famous Old Granary Burying Ground.
Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin's mom & dad are buried here
along with many more famous patriots!

Do you see the cute little building in the
middle of everything? ~ That's the
Old State House, built in 1713!

This says it all!

Nicolas posing at Faneuil Hall

We had the best Clam Chowder
at the oldest restaurant in
the United States ~ Ye ole' Union Oyster House

Vasili hanging around the marina

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Portland, Maine

We spent two nights in Portland, Maine. We had good weather, but boy, it was COLD! Brrrr.
We found a few lighthouses to see and poked around the town of Portland, but we didn't find a whole lot to do in Maine. We discovered a beach town nearby called Old Orchard Beach, but this time of year it's pretty quiet and things are mostly closed or just about to close for the season. We are finding that most of the RV parks are closing or already closed for the season too. The last two we stayed at were closing the day we left.

Beautiful fall colors!!

A pretty old church by the road

Welcome to Maine!

"Head Light" light house, Portland, Maine

An old lighthouse off the coast of Maine

"Head Light" at Fort Williams, Portland, Maine

Vasili and Nicolas on the rocks

Nick with the lighthouse behind him

We had the best dinner at Ken's!
Vasili had lobster, of course!

Nick the Lobster!

Portland is Maine's largest city.
This is the sea port of Portland

This cute lighthouse is called "Bug Light"
We were able to climb in and look out!

Nick checking out the beacon of Bug Light

Friday, October 16, 2009

Toronto, Canada / Woodstock, NY

We drove from Buffalo, NY and spent the day sight-seeing Toronto, Canada. It only took a bit more than an hour to drive. It was a cold day, but sunny and a nice day for walking the city! ~ We enjoyed our time in Toronto. It was very urban and full of young professionals.

We popped into the indoor mall downtown and were amazed to see all the shoppers bustling about spending money! It looked like the Christmas season! We were shocked to discover that there is a double sales tax that amounts to 15%! yikes! There doesn't seem to be a recession going on here! We ended our day eating in China Town at a great restaurant called "Lee Garden". Yummm!

The next morning, we packed up and headed across New York and stayed just south of Albany a few miles from the infamous Woodstock. So, we just had to drive by and see what there was to see! . . . Apparently, not much! They purposely don't have any signs announcing the town and you wouldn't even know you drove by! We did finally find the town hall and got a picture of that. Our camp ground was nestled in the most beautiful trees! We took a hike on the trail and around the pretty pond!

The sky line of Toronto with the CN Tower

Here we are entering the CN Tower -
the tallest building in the WORLD!
CN stands for "Canadian National"

Nick and I posing with lots of Canadian
flags behind us . . . eh!

We were able to see the whole city of Toronto!

Vasili overlooking Toronto from the
CN Tower Sky Pod!

We have left the corn fields behind
and have been enjoying the Fall follage
and country side driving through New York!

Okay, so I love Fall leaves! ~ What can I say?

The only sign we could find with the words "Woodstock" on them!

We had to chuckle when we
saw this sign leaving the camp grounds!