Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Real Time Update

Hi everybody!
We are in New Orleans, Louisiana right now! I thought I would bring you "up to speed" on our where abouts. From the onset of this trip, it's been nearly impossible to keep the blog posts exactly current. We have been plagued with various computer difficulties. Add to that, the "spotty" wifi connections at the various RV parks and you can see it's been a challenge!

Also, uploading photos can be time consuming and depending on our internet connections, sometimes impossible. For instance, while in NY, we didn't have any wifi and we were there for 5 nights.

So, since we are so far behind in our posts, I am going to jump to the present and add the posts for Philadelphia and Washingtion DC later.

This time last week, we were in Virginia. We spent two days in the Jamestown/Williamsburg area. Then we drove an hour and spent two days in the Virginia Beach/Norfolk area. While there, we were watching closely the weather updates on Hurricane Ida in the Gulf Coast/Pensacola region because we were wanting to head that way. As we traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina after Virginia, the blue skies turned gray and the rain began. We received one day & night of incredible rain and then "traded places" with the storm. As we continued to head south, the storm continued heading north. And by the time we reached Atlanta, Georgia it was over.

We spent one quick night outside Atlanta, Georgia and then moved on to spend two nights in Pensacola, Florida in a RV park right on the water. Yesterday we arrived here at New Orleans and tomorrow we will drive all day to San Antonio, Texas.

So there, we are up to date! ~ Lord willing, we will have good internet connections from here on out. ~ Thanks for following along with us!

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