Monday, November 16, 2009

Penasola, Florida

The parade of colors followed us down along the East Coast. Where the leaves and colors were beginning to fall and fade in the New England states, it was still in full force in the more Southern states, even through much of Georgia. However, the minute we crossed into Alabama the change was evident. We had exchanged the beautiful dense wooded roadsides for more open spaces and trees with Spanish Moss hanging down. And once we entered Florida we were decidedly in a different part of the country for sure with palm and banana trees and much warmer temperatures!

This was a homecoming for me of sorts. I was born in Milton, Florida and had lived several years in Pensacola, Florida. We were able to drive to Milton and even found my old Elementary school just off the base in Pensacola. ~ Sunshine, warm temperatures, sand between my toes and gentle breezes blowing are in my blood!

Northern Florida is close to the borders of Alabama and Georgia and has a real "southern" accent reflected in the culture and food found here! We had a wonderful meal of fried Mullet and boiled Red Shrimp served with of course, a side of hush puppies, all washed down with delicious Sweet Tea!

We crossed through all these states in 2 days!

Georgia still had a East Coast feel, but also had cotton fields in places.

We saw trees with Spanish Moss hanging down along the highway!

Florida is my home state!
Our RV park was right on the water.

Northern Florida's waterways have a swampy look and feel to them.
Nicolas was enjoying the thrill of riding his bike on the narrow dock
while being careful not to end up in the water! ~
"See Mom, piece of cake! What are you so worried about?!"
This was the school I attended while in the 1st - 3rd grades!
I was born in Milton, Florida! My father was stationed at Whitening Field NAS.
We didn't live here long. I don't even know the address, or even if the house is
still there. But I just wanted to go and look around a bit and get a picture with the sign
saying "Milton".

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