Friday, November 20, 2009

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Sometimes in life, the Lord hands you a gift. Beautiful, unexpected. Life changing. Today we were given such a gift!! ~ On our way to Las Cruces, New Mexico we were told of a beautiful place to stop along our way. White Sands National Monument was the place. It is a 275-square mile preserve of magnificent pure white gypsum sand dunes. ~ Incredible beauty! Thank you Lord!!

Pristine, like white velvet snow!
The sand felt so good! ~ soft and cool to our bare feet!
The dunes have their own beautiful plants that manage to thrive.
Nicolas had fun rolling and tumbling down the dunes
So pure and white and graceful
This place was utterly quiet and peaceful,
not a single sound, except our voices.
The sand had the most exquisite feel, so soft!
As far as the eye could see, dune upon dune
The boys messing around
Nick blazing a trail

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