Monday, November 9, 2009

New York!

We have finally reached New York! We have been looking forward to this leg of our trip from the beginning! We have dear friends from our 3 years of living there. Point Lookout is a tiny little beach town on the south shore of Long Island. We attended the small Community Church there and were blessed with the friends the Lord brought to us. Eventually we came to love this place even though it was a hard & lonely place at times.

We moved to Pt. Lookout 13 years ago when Nicolas was just 6 months old. We rented a home that was furnished. We only brought clothes, toys, the crib and our cars with us. Everything else was furnished; furniture, kitchenware, bedding and linens. The only catch was we could only live there from Sept. 15 - June 15. We had to vacate the home during the summer months. So, every June we would pack our suitcases and put the rest of our things in storage and go elsewhere for 3 months. Then come Sept. we'd move back in again. We did this for 3 years. ~ Vasili would stay in various hotels back east during those months, working. And the boys and I would bounce between staying with his parents, my parents and my sister. We rented out our home in San Diego during those years.

The bottom line is this, the Lord poured out His love and mercy upon us during those long and sometimes lonely years in New York! He watched over us and kept us together as a family. And in His perfect timing, He eventually led us back home again to San Diego. To God be the Glory!

Point Lookout is the little town
we lived in 10-13 years ago on Long Island, NY

Here's our church, Point Lookout Community Church!
Isn't it cute?!

Our dear friends and pastor,
Tina and Greg Kemper

Some more dear friends, Andrea and Linda!
Andrea, Linda and Tina, came knocking at my door
and befriended me
when we first moved to NY.

Ilissa Kemper was born on Vasili's birthday
11 years ago. She is a real firecracker and kept us laughing!

Here's the gang!
This is Long Beach, NY.
It was a very unusually warm day right then.

See how big and beautiful the beaches are!

The beaches are nice, but too many rules!
Plus, you either have to have a membership ID card
or have to pay to get on them!

This was our view from our home in New York.

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