Monday, December 28, 2009

Stats ~ Recognitions - Guest appearance

We would like to say a BIG Thank You to my Mom & Dad who without them, this trip wouldn't have been possible! Thanks for letting us use your RV and tow car! Also, thanks for so graciously watching our sweet Max for us for the duration of the trip!! He was so happy to stay with you and be spoiled!

Also, thanks to our son Alex who took care of our bills and who overnighted packages to us along the way! Thanks for holding the fort down for us! We so appreciated all your diligence and for making sure there was food in the house to feed your brother!

Well, we traveled a total of 10,000+ miles! We drove through 38 states and were gone a total of 68 days. We only had 3 incidents with the RV, not bad! Once one of the chairs broke at the base and had to be welded ~ there just so happened to be a fine welding place down the road from our KOA in New York! And once we had to be towed in Baltimore, MD, but praise the Lord, it was an easy fix, 15 minutes before closing on a Friday afternoon! ($150 for an accelerator pin to be replaced or we would've had to wait until Monday) And then there was the time in Texas the awning fell off and we were dragging it for a short time before we could pull over. Praise the Lord no one was to the right of us when it happened!! We had to cut it off and leave it behind. ~ These could have played out differently, but we knew each time, that the Lord was watching over us!

Thanks for all of you who were praying for us! We really appreciated you keeping track with us as we traveled about and for keeping us in your prayers! I know the Lord delighted in answering them and we were kept in His safe hands! Athan and Alex were too, while they stayed at home! They have their stories to tell also! ~ Like getting locked out and having to climb through an upstairs bedroom window to get in. Or the time of the GREAT ANT INVASION! And I'm sure there are many more that I don't really want to know about! :)

What trip, what an experience we will never forget!

The Raptis Family reunited

Thanks Mom and Dad for making this trip possible!

Alex and his mother

Mom and Dad and Bodie

Taking the RV back to the desert